This past weekend, Niall’s CrossFit gym had a fun Saturday session planned in Hilton Head, South Carolina. The kids and I were more than happy to tag along for a beach day:)
The drive was just under an hour — maybe it’s just me, but sometimes car rides actually feel like a break since both kids are strapped in 😀 I thoroughly enjoyed being the front seat passenger; I had my coffee, a couple of energy balls, and my earphones so that I could catch up on some WhatsApp voice messages from my friend in Belfast. We arrived just before 9 am and it already felt HOT out — these summers in the South are no joke! Parking was easy & cheap and the walk out to the beach was beautiful. That first glimpse of the ocean always makes me smile and brings me back to my childhood days in southern California.
The water was surprisingly warm — I guess I always think of the Atlantic as freezing. Sometimes I miss the surfer vibe you get on the southern Californian coast but hey, you can’t be too picky. The kids were happy which is the most important thing these days!
The team! Everyone relaxed after the workout (unless you have a one and three year old;) We left at 1 pm — we were sunned out and the kids were melting … literally and figuratively. Driessen beach was beautiful and well worth the drive. We will definitely be back!