my go to energy ball recipe


When I started breastfeeding my first baby, I couldn’t believe how hungry I was all the time.  In Belfast, where both of my children were born, the midwives make home visits to check up on mama and baby for about a week.  I was told to eat more (and in the middle of the night after nursing!) to up my milk supply.  Whelp, I thought, ok!  It was my first baby and I felt pretty clueless so I was gonna do whatever I was told.  I remember eating a leftover burrito bowl at about 3 am and thinking hmmm… I don’t think I can keep this up!!



And so I started making the infamous energy balls.  Or amazeballs.  Whatever you want to call them, they are just so good and can be modified in countless ways.  I started eating these whenever I felt hungry in the night (or during the day) and I’ve never stopped making them.  I’m not currently doing night feeds– but you can find me eating one or two of these every morning with my cuppa joe, or in my purse in case hunger strikes when I’m out and about with the kids.  My husband takes two to work for his morning coffee break too.  Basically, they’re a hit with everyone:)


Note:  I personally think making these in a food processor is best because it’s easy to clean and blends the mixture evenly.  Make sure it’s a good quality, powerful one for best results.  However, after moving back to America we treated ourselves to a Vitamix blender, so that’s what I’ve been using.


Okay– here’s what you’re going to need!


MY GO TO ENERGY BALL RECIPE  (makes approx. 30 balls)

2 cups unsalted almonds
1 cup unsalted pecans
1 1/2 cups oats
1 teaspoon salt*
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Approx. 1 1/4 cups pitted dates (for me this came out to 10 large medjool dates)
1/4 cup water

*If you use nuts that are already salted, you can leave this out.




Pour all your nuts in and blend these first.  You should end up with a crumbly looking mixture.  Did you know pecans are kind of a big deal here in Georgia?!  Before moving I didn’t either, but now I use them all the time.  Next, add the oats, salt and cinnamon.  My recipe uses a decent amount of cinnamon because I love it — if that’s not your thing, just use a little less.



Don’t forget to remove the pits from the dates!  Dates that aren’t already pitted are usually better quality and it only takes a minute to do it yourself.




Here’s the part that usually isn’t in other energy ball recipes, but I always do it.  Once everything is blended, I pour the mixture into a big bowl and add a little water while I form the balls by hand.  Make sure you only add a little at a time because if you pour in too much, the ‘dough’ gets really wet and it kind of ruins the consistency.  I didn’t end up using the full 1/4 cup of water– just sprinkle as you go and once you can form a ball with ease (it shouldn’t break apart or crumble) you can stop adding water.  I should also add that your hands WILL get quite messy as you smush everything together!



Don’t you just love the sink full of dishes and whining toddler in the background of that pic?!  Ha ha.  Just keepin’ it real over here.  I said I was starting a blog, I didn’t say I’d have professional photos  ; )


On that note, here’s what was happening in my kitchen while I made these.  I have to say the rolling-the-balls part can take awhile– so if you have kids who tend to wreck the house whenever you’re busy doing something– you’ve been warned!  Your hands will have sticky dough on them so you will literally have to pause the discipline button until you’re finished  : )




I kind of ignored her while I made these.  I think she forgives me because I made her favorite snack  : )



Sometimes I roll a few smaller balls as well as a few bigger ones, but most are a little over an inch in diameter.  I ended up with 32 balls in this batch!



Keep your energy balls in an air tight container in the fridge– ours only last about five days because we all love them!  But they should be fine to eat for a couple of weeks.



Aaaaand there’s a fuzzy, awkward shot of me because my daughter insisted on letting her take a photo  : )


Ok– happy rolling!

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