Hello! I haven’t posted in awhile. Sometimes, the days turn into weeks so quickly — in a way, time flying is a good sign, right? These hot summer days aren’t unbearable (yet) so we’ve really been enjoying morning coffee out on the back porch, trips to the pool, popsicles in the afternoon, and evening runs (for mom!) around the neighborhood. The humidity has definitely started to set in so that’s been an adjustment — you basically just have to accept the fact that you are going to sweat … a LOT … and dress accordingly. Which is easy for me because I’m usually in a sports bra and work out clothes anyway:)
I always say to people I’m a little nervous for a summer in the South because we haven’t lived through one yet. Well, it’s definitely HERE, ready or not. We’re doing fine so far, but I know it’s gonna get waaaayyy hotter + more humid than it is now — Lord help me!
Ok — what else? My aunt and uncle were in Florida and came to visit us for a weekend! It was SO good to be around family and I just loved having them. Our spare room has gotten good use since we moved into this house and it makes us happy:)
And — more visitors — from Belfast!! Yes, our first guests from our old hometown. We LOVED having them. I’ve been a little homesick for Belfast these past couple of weeks so the timing was perfect. There’s nothing like catching up in person.
We said good bye to our sweet Irish friends this morning — I’m thinking that will be the last of our visitors for awhile since surely no one will want to come stay with us in this heat?! We shall see. The kids keep me busy enough and we are SO looking forward to our annual California trip in a few weeks.
I’ll leave you with this photo — taken yesterday downtown. It’s totally acceptable to strip down to your underwear in public, right? They couldn’t resist. Oh to be a kid again:)