life lately II.


Thanksgiving has come and gone?!  I’m not sure how that happened.  It’s been far too long since I posted on here but life has been really full lately, thankfully all in good ways.  My to do list this time of year is always long and the days never seem to have enough hours in them, but I’m determined to soak it all in and not let the holiday hustle bustle stress me out.  I must say, it feels good to take some down time and write for you lovely people:)


We are OFFICIALLY in fall mode.  Woohoo!!  Just like I remember last year, it happened fast.  One week we had the AC blasting in the house, the next we were bundled up in sweatshirts.  Some days it feels like winter — so maybe we just skipped fall?!  Anyhow, I can’t emphasize enough how ready I was for it to cool down and to get into a festive mode.  Now that Thanksgiving is over, we’ve gone straight into Christmas mode — forget the shopping — I’m talking lights, Christmas tree, hot chocolate mornings, and all that cozy stuff:)  Thankfully, our kids are not yet at the age where they’re calling their friends Christmas morning and comparing gifts (because then they’d realize how much they got gipped, hehe).


Méabh has been my early riser lately and we have been enjoying the cozy fireplace.  Funny side note — when we first moved into this house I was pretty disappointed that the fire was ‘fake’.  Turns out, there are some advantages to this — all I have to do is flip a switch:)



My little brother got married earlier this month!  I flew home to CA early with the kids and Niall joined us a week and a half later.  It was a beautiful evening and so lovely to see extended members of my family and old friends all in one night.




I feel like my kids have turned a bit of a corner and instead of constantly getting on each others’ nerves, they actually like each other sometimes;)  It’s so fun to see them laugh together.  Eamon is quickly turning into a little boy and copies anything his big sister does.



My little girl started preschool!  A spot opened up and she’s now going for a few hours two days a week.  I told my mom that neither of us cried on her first day so that’s probably a good sign we were both ready for it;)




What else?  We put some lights on the house!  And we are hoping to get our tree soon.  My in-laws arrive from Ireland next week so we want everything to be ready.



I’m grateful to be in this season with cooler temperatures, festive lights, and the hope of Christmas to look forward to.  I feel like I’m in a ‘good groove’ with the kids lately — and we all know how those good grooves can come and go so I’m holding onto it and enjoying every minute:)  And I’m thankful for Georgia, our home sweet home!


quick trip to destin, florida.


My cousin and his family moved to Destin, Florida earlier this year and we finally made it down to see them.  It was a long drive (about seven hours!) but oh man, it was worth it.  Those few days at the beach were good for our souls.  Words or photos can’t even begin to describe that aqua clear water and those pristine white sand beaches.


We did a little exploring ourselves the first couple of days.  One highlight was definitely our time in Grayton Beach.  We hit up the cutest little coffee shop (because anywhere I go, I WILL find a cute coffee shop:) before some time at the beach, then strolled around the town and enjoyed the food scene.  It was SO fun and definitely brought back some pre-kid traveling days memories … ooohh to be young and free again;)  If the kids hadn’t been having numerous meltdowns, Niall and I probably could have strolled around for hours.  Ah well — we’ll take what we can get!











The ‘Airstream Row’ in Seaside was great — with so many options, everyone was happy.  Niall and I opted for Raw and Juicy which was delicious and hit up The Meltdown on 30A for Méabh and Eamon — the kid’s grilled cheese even came with the crusts cut off:)  We just had to try a donut from Five Daughters before hitting the road.  At this point, it was like a thousand degrees out and the kids were not too happy — so we enjoyed our sweet treats on the road home!








Our last full day we waited until after nap time to hit the beach which was a good choice.  We stayed long enough to see a 6 pm wedding ceremony … it was such a gorgeous evening, I’ll always remember it.  I could have stayed for hours.






I carried Eamon up the stairs and looked back at the beach to snap one last shot — Destin, you were amazing and we’ll be back!  But now — I’m more than ready for some fall weather.  Hoping it cools down within the next few weeks … until then, I’ll be dreaming of these beaches:)