Well, here I am. I decided to start my own blog– we’ll see how this goes : ) When I moved from California to Ireland to be with my husband after our wedding in California, we started a blog so that friends and family could see a bit of our day to day as we started our new life together in Belfast. For a few years, we were pretty good at keeping up with it– then came the birth of our daughter. Things slowed down, but we still checked in from time to time and posted photos. Then came our second child, a son– I guess you could say it all went downhill from there! Blogging is time consuming, and can feel a bit laborious when there’s not a whole lot of motivation behind the posts other than keeping people up to date with ‘the latest.’ I wanted to have a space that was more than just talking about my kids, our fun weekend, a trip home to Santa Barbara, etc. I’ve always enjoyed writing and often felt myself wanting to share about a project I’d been working on or a great recipe I just discovered. Or even just spilling out thoughts on some of those tough ‘mom days’ that we all have from time to time. It didn’t take long for me to think of a blog name, and so I decided to go for it.
I grew up in Southern California on a street called Huntington Drive. If anyone asked me about my childhood, all memories would begin and end there. It may sound cliché, but it was the type of place where kids were outside playing in the street until dusk and neighbors were borrowing cups of sugar or chatting from one sidewalk across to the other. I really loved it. And when I was thinking of a name for this space, I kept coming back to Huntington– a quiet, sacred part of this earth that holds my oldest and dearest memories.
So, for this first post, here’s me saying hello and welcome to my little corner of the cyber world. : ) Whether you’re a family member, close friend, or someone I’ve yet to meet– thanks for reading. I will always do my best to share my heart, my creative side, and some adventures with my little family along the way.