My parents flew back to CA yesterday morning after ten days of fun– ok ok, sometimes there was a whining toddler or a crying baby mixed in. Holidays (or vacations as I should call them now that we’re living in America again) definitely look a little different when there are kiddos involved! The pace is either slower, crazier, or more complicated. But they’re worth it right? ; )
One highlight was a quick day trip to Bluffton, S.C.– if you’re into funky little art galleries, yummy local food, and a nice stroll, this is a fun side trip from the Savannah area. Both kids did pretty well which made all the difference (it can be hit or miss!). We got a coffee, went for a walk down to the river, and enjoyed the slow paced feel of this little town.

But honestly, just doing the ‘normal’ stuff with my parents was just as fun. Funny how my desires (and definition of fun haha) have changed since getting older / becoming a parent. Walks around the neighborhood, snapping a cute shot of Méabh and Grandma having a popsicle, or taking my dad to my favorite coffee spot– these were highlights too. : )
Since we’ve never lived near family, we’ve said a LOT of goodbyes. As we drove away from the airport early yesterday morning, it was hard trying to explain to my tear streaked face three year old why Grandma and Pops can’t stay any longer. ‘They have to go back to their own bed.’ ‘Their house misses them.’ Hmmm… it wasn’t really working– so instead of driving straight back to an empty house we got a hot chocolate at our favorite spot. : ) Mom got a coffee of course!
Luckily, my sister, brother-in-law and niece have tickets booked for early April so we have more visitors to look forward to! Until then, these two crazies will keep me going 😀