the mom chop

I’ve been saying to my husband for quite some time now that I’m going to ‘chop my hair off.’  Usually it was in a frustrated moment while wrapping it up in a high bun (he really hates that hairdo).  He’d roll his eyes because I’ve been saying it for years.  Since we arrived in Georgia last September, I’ve been scouring Groupon for good discounts, clicking on random salons that had a deal on (we recently moved to the area so I’m pretty clueless), and lastly Googling to read reviews / see how far of a drive it was from our house.  In the end, I’d usually get distracted; someone would wake up from a nap, my three year old would need something, or a little something in me would tell me, ‘don’t do it!’  sooo… a few more weeks would pass before I’d start looking again.


But guess what?!  I finally did it!!  I went for it.  I got the mom haircut.  And oh, does it feel good  : )

A friend of mine recently brought up ‘mom guilt’ and it got me thinking as to whether or not I have this in some form in my life.  To be completely honest I’m not sure I fully comprehend this phrase, but I’m pretty certain it could be defined in several different ways depending on who you ask.  I realized that for me, spending money on myself– especially in the whole beauty/day spa/self care/etc. realm… that is where the guilt creeps in.  As a stay at home mom, I don’t have an income.  I remember the satisfaction of finishing a busy waitressing shift with a pocket full of cash; it felt good.  If I wanted to eat out for lunch or buy a new pair of jeans the next day, I didn’t have a problem with it, because I had earned whatever I was buying.


In the end, I didn’t use a Groupon.  In fact, I spent 190 bucks on highlights and a cut (I even feel a little bad typing that number out! I can’t believe I spent that much).  But you know what?  My sweet husband told me to go for it.  He said ‘enjoy yourself.’  He said forget the Groupon, book it wherever you want.  He even sent me back out for a solo coffee date later that day.  If you’re like me, it’s not easy as a mom to just relish in the things most girls wouldn’t think twice about.  But I gotta say, I’m loving my new low maintenance do and those hours to myself were relaxing and rejuvenating.  I’m not saying go crazy with the credit card or anything– but if your hubby gives you the thumbs up and it’s something you’ve been wanting to treat yourself to– just enjoy it  : )


And if you’re considering the mom haircut but fear that letting go of your long locks is, in a way, letting go of a piece of your youth… I get it.  But I say go for it  : )




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